Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.

Synesthesia game

Synesthesia games is an olfactory game that will test your senses. This game contains 6 mysterious fragrances that you will have to discover using your hearing, smell and your ingenuity.

"Discover the world of mysterious fragrances." Your brain will be able to recognize them, but mysteriously it will not be able to identify or define them through an image.

Synesthesia game

This olfactory game includes 6 mysterious fragrances and their corresponding descriptive cards, as well as a QR code to play with your mobile phone. The game dynamics are very simple, you can play alone or in a group and immerse yourself in the mysterious world of smells.

Synesthesia game
Synesthesia game
Synesthesia game
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