The Internet domain, as well as all intellectual or industrial property rights of the website, its design, logos, distinctive signs and contents are the property of MERSI STUDIO with NRT and registered office at U-802767-V. Carretera de Engolasters 25, Bajos. AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra.
Visiting this website attributes the status of user to the visitor, regardless of the status of client that this user may have with MERSI STUDIO.
By accessing all the content that forms part of the website, the user can visit, obtain information on products and services, send communications, etc. This access implies full and unreserved acceptance of all the provisions and terms of use contained in this legal notice. The purpose of this website is to offer customers and/or users information regarding MERSI STUDIO products and services.
MERSI STUDIO reserves the right to make changes and updates to the information contained on the website or to its configuration and/or presentation at any time and without prior notice.
MERSI STUDIO is also not liable for the improper functioning of its website due to causes attributable to maintenance tasks, incidents affecting international operators, faulty configuration of the user's equipment or the inability to support the computer systems essential to be able to use the service.
This website is operated from the Principality of Andorra, and its terms of use are governed by the laws of the Principality of Andorra. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Andorran courts, which must resolve in accordance with the law in force in the Principality of Andorra.
Engolasters Street, 25, ground floor
AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
All rights reserved |