Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.

Our team

We are a small team, but we are very experienced. Being a small team makes us flexible, allows us to understand you, adapt to your priorities and streamline the process.

Our philosophy

We are characterized by contemporary design as well as by our ethical and responsible behavior behind our activity.

We create fresh, fun, and professional brands. We work closely with our clients, building strong, trusting relationships, taking care of every aspect of the design process.

We do everything with passion and care because we love what we do and we truly believe in the power of design to make things special.

Dos personas posando que forman parte del estudio de diseño ubicado en Andorra llamado Mersi Studio.

Berta Daina

Creative director and product designer

Arnau Serra

Motion Grapher and Graphic Designer

Our philosophy

We are characterized by contemporary design as well as by our ethical and responsible behavior behind our activity.

We create fresh, fun, and professional brands. We work closely with our clients, building strong, trusting relationships, taking care of every aspect of the design process.

We do everything with passion and care because we love what we do and we truly believe in the power of design to make things special.

Dos personas posando que forman parte del estudio de diseño ubicado en Andorra llamado Mersi Studio.

Berta Daina

Creative director and product designer

Arnau Serra

Motion grapher and graphic designer







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