Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.


There are places where we don't feel comfortable speaking.

on certain topics and there are places where other people's conversations make us uncomfortable.

That is why we believe it is necessary to create dividing elements that transform a public space into various areas of privacy for users.

Un modelo 3D de una pared de madera con un marco de metal sobre un fondo blanco. Mersi Studio

What? Our solution is embodied in modular panels that allow for a wide variety of distributions in public spaces. Understanding that the flow of people in that public space also implies that our product must be a mobile element.

As there is no point in creating an aesthetic piece that acts as a wall without being one, this product separates us from the noise and sight of the rest, but without literally closing off the space.

Where? The restaurant is the perfect context in which to intervene.

We detected a lack of privacy whose solution must consider the importance of creating a versatile product.

These spaces are constantly in motion by both clients and staff. That's why we've created an element that staff can modify depending on the type of environment their clients need.

Una cortina blanca cuelga de un poste azul.  Mersi Studio
Un modelo 3D de una pantalla curva sobre un fondo blanco. Mersi Studio

How? The material used is HONEXT, for two reasons: acoustic soundproofing and the flexibility of the panel. We found it interesting to work with a material that insulates noise better than plasterboard, but in a much lighter format and a production system based on the circular economy. We also implement the flexibility of the material by making a series of CNC cuts, these allow us to create flat or curved modules, depending on what the space requires. Another great advantage of the product is the wide range of finishes it offers, both the HONEXT panel and the metal structure that holds it can be customized to fit the image of the business.

Un primer plano de un biombo con un fondo gris. Mersi Studio
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