Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.

Furniture Bar

The briefing requirement was to create a piece of furniture inspired by a specific building, La Ricarda.

We decided to design a bar cabinet, playing with transparencies inspired by the site

Poble bar dissent per Mersi Studio. Fotografia al interior de La Ricarda al Prat de Llobregat.

The entire bar cabinet is made of methacrylate, leaving the ice bucket and even the slots for holding the glasses visible.

The goal is for the furniture not to be an obstacle to the view, but rather to coexist with the space and play with the same lights in the house.

Interior de La Ricarda al Prat de Llobregat dissenyat per Mersi Studio. Moble de metacrilat transparent amb bestil art deco.
Interior de la Ricarda al Prat de Llobregat. Safata de Ikea amb boble de metacrilat transparent. Dissenyat per Mersi Studio.
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