Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.

Mira Fest

Festival of art and digital culture




2D Animation

XXSS Design

MIRA Fest is a digital arts festival that fuses art, music and technology to offer an immersive and transformative experience. With a strong focus on exhibition, dissemination and education, the festival positions itself as a meeting point between artistic creation and digital culture, proposing new visual and sound languages that challenge traditional perceptions.

At Mersi Studio we have developed the visual identity of the festival based on the concept of metamorphosis and transition. The aim was to put the user at the centre of the experience and show how the environment transforms to the rhythm of the music and digital projections. We have created a graphic universe that represents this constant evolution, providing a different and immersive point of view that breaks with the usual ways of understanding art and culture. With a design that evokes change and dynamism, we have helped to reinforce the experimental and innovative essence of MIRA Fest, turning each interaction into a unique sensory journey.

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