Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.


Metamorfosis is an opening for one of the most important audiovisual festivals in the world, Pause Fest.

This video illustrates the connection between the biological world represented by a molecule and the digital world represented by a microchip.

These two concepts live in constant symbiosis, since they complement each other. One could not exist without the other. The lighting, materials and textures reflect this union between these two concepts. The soft and diffuse light helps the viewer to integrate into the video and to understand the mysterious path between these two worlds. In the case of the materials for the first part of the video, very organic textures are used that refer to nature, the black color helps to fuse these two concepts once again. In the second part of the video, more modern textures typical of a microchip are used, until finally reaching the neon, where we can see the Pause Fest logo.

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