Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.

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Hold By Yourself is a conventional candle holder, but conceived from another perspective.

point of view.

With the aim of standing out from the rest by playing with the balance and union of all the pieces to create a functional candle holder.

Hay tres velas sobre una mesa de madera.Mersi Studio

The main concept is based on the phrase: "unity is strength". That is, the union of all the garments creates the product.

For the candle holder to work, three candles are required, otherwise the product will not stand on its own.

The candle holder consists of three stainless steel tubes joined in the centre at 45 degrees to form a spiral. Each individual tube has a length of 60mm x 25mm in diameter, making it easy to insert the candles. The complete product has dimensions of 60mm x 60mm.

Dos palos verdes y blancos están cruzados sobre una mesa. Mersi Studio
Cuatro velas blancas están sobre una mesa negra en una sala de estar. Mersi Studio

It weighs approximately 60g and the product comes in three colours: Bright Light Green, Azo Orange and Naples Yellow, offering an intimate and relaxed atmosphere wherever you are.

Tres velas blancas están sobre una mesa de madera. Mersi Studio
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