Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.

Clean and iron

Branding for Clean & Iron Service. The aim is to renew the brand and give it a more modern and fresh image.

Disseny Fulletó informatiu per Clean & Iron Service Andorra. Dissenyat per Mersi Studio. Mockup folleto en fondo neutro.
Disseny tickets per Clean & Iron Service. Dissenyat per Mersi Studio Andorra. Mockup tickets amp fons neutre.
Disseny tíquets compra per Clean & Iron Service. Dissenyat per Mersi Studio. Mockup tikets amb fondo neutro.

To achieve this, a colour palette has been created that takes us to the imagery of cleanliness and with which we can identify the brand. Both the palette and all the graphic elements have been designed so that they can be applied to all designs and media.

Radiocaset Clean & Iron Service per anunciar la sea list de música de Spotify. Dissenyat per Mersi Studio.
Disseny triptic Clean & Iron Service realizar per Mersi Studio. Mockup triptic lamb fons neutro. Triptic de disseny.
Floppy Disk Clean & Iron Service design by Mersi Studio. Mockup floppy disk fondo amarillo.
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