Logotipo Mersi Studio empresa de diseño gráfico Andorra en blanco.


This is a reproduction of the Cesta lamp by Santa & Cole. This redesign is not intended to design a new model, but to innovate in production. For this reason, different woodworking techniques have been used in order to test and change the reproduction method in a more artisanal and artistic way.

Un jarrón azul y blanco se encuentra sobre un soporte de madera en una acera.

For the manufacture of the handle, the oak wood was bent to be glued and varnished afterwards. For the creation of the globe, the rotomoulding technique was used to create a base mould so that identical reproductions could be created. Finally, to give it a visually different touch to the original basket, a blue and white dye was added, creating these psychedelic waters.

Lampara Cestita de Santa & Cole redissenyat per Mersi Studio. Fotografia de producte a Andorra i dirección d'art.
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